Doveras Fertility Inc. Exhibits at ASRM 2022

Doveras showcases at the American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s ASRM 2022 Conference.

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The American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s ASRM Conference is often dubbed as the “Superbowl” of the fertility industry, and the Doveras team was honored to exhibit at the ASRM 2022 Conference in Anaheim, California.


The 3-day conference was an invigorating opportunity for us to showcase our digital product, “The Pre-Pregnancy Clean Up” and to support our wonderful scientific & clinical advisors.

Of note, this year our Scientific Advisor Dr. Audrey Gaskins was awarded the 2022 Ira and Ester Rosenwaks New Investigator Award, a distinction which is bestowed upon someone who has “made outstanding contributions to clinical or basic research in reproductive sciences published within ten (10) years after receiving a doctoral degree or completing residency/postdoctoral/fellowship training.”

This was a very special moment for us, in part because this very recognition has previously been also awarded to our Medical & Scientific Advisors Michael Eisenberg (2018) and Dr. Jorge Chavarro (2014). We were delighted to have a chance to meet with all three of them, as well as our Medical Advisor & prior ASRM President Dr. Peter N. Schlegel at this year’s conference.

See the announcement recognizing Dr. Gaskin’s incredible accomplishments here, and check out pictures below from an inside look at our booth and our ASRM experience!

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